For The Time Being

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Connie Shi


Every passing day I feel a little
Worse about zoos

I was good for a while
Filled my schedule with classes
Got dressed did my makeup
Even curled my eyelashes
But a slump is so close it might be here already
I watched 10 episodes of Community last night.

And my screenwriting class is a great group of people
But I don’t think I'm a writer
I’m more of a sleeper

In my dreams I can float
I don’t feel any pressure
I am light as the weather

Is it morning already?
Where is the sun?
I lost my marbles somewhere in the bathroom
I can feel all my atoms are shaking with what can’t be done

It’s hard to feel lucky without feeling guilty
A soundtrack of sirens haunts and connects me
The future feels heavy
And I miss my mom

I’ve got no room to pace so my mind is what’s running
But it’s more of a stumble with no distance I’m covering
I know Now Is The Time To Create
But I’m hungry again.

Is it morning already?
Where is the sun?
I lost my marbles somewhere in the bathroom
I can feel all my atoms are shaking with what can’t be done

I know that something has ended
And something’s begun
I just wish someone could give me more answers
Or tell me “just close your eyes and then open when I get to one”

Connie Shie
Brooklyn, NY
